Easy as one, two, three
We have the right plan for you
Boost your confidence, master the field, become a certified professional. Learn to use all the related tools, walk into a job and be a rockstar from day one. The skills you need to become a real professional and thrive in your career.
Write your awesome label here.
3 Month plan
Newbie course creators
Billed annually
Includes basic features plus:
Unlimited Access to Lessons
Limited Access to Video Exchange Library
Up to 5 Video Submissions to Teacher
Finance Theory Workshop
6 Month plan
Pro course creators
Billed annually - Save $60
Includes basic features plus:
10 interactive handbooks
Unlimited Access to Lessons
Unlimited Access to Video Exchange Library
Up to 12 Video Submissions to Teacher
12 Month plan
High volume schools
Billed annually - Save $80
Includes basic features plus:
Finance Theory Workshop
25 interactive handbooks
Unlimited Access to Lessons
Unlimited Access to Video Exchange Library
I am most grateful that my teacher not only makes learning fun and shares his knowledge, but his passion for his field as well. I could not have found a better place to learn new skills.
Jenna White
The school has everything that I need for successful study: textbooks, daily assignments, planner, notebooks, a staff who are very skilled and experienced, and ready to help at any time.
Walter Gomez
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Frequently asked questions
What courses will I take?
All music majors take a group of basic musicianship classes including music theory, ear training, music history, and music technology, and piano specific lessons. You will also take private lessons with an applied instructor.
What can our Academy offer that I cannot get at other online schools?
First, you will participate in a thriving music department, surrounded by a culturally and musically rich community. Next, you will have the opportunity to learn from some of the most notable musicians in the field. Third, our academy is intricately involved with music education across the U.S. Our students regularly participate in local, state-wide, and national clinics, conventions, and festivals. Our academy is also host to a number of workshops, contests, music enrichment programs, and other events in which music education educators are involved.
What if the student and teacher’s personalities don’t work well together or the student is dissatisfied?
This is one of the advantages of taking your lessons at our school – we have 16 teachers so if a problem occurs – which is extremely rare – we can switch you over to one of the other teachers. If you think you may get more out of lessons from a teacher with a different teaching style, we have the flexibility to change you to another instructor.
What courses will I take?
All music majors take a group of basic musicianship classes including music theory, ear training, music history, and music technology, and piano specific lessons. You will also take private lessons with an applied instructor.